
Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business

What if business could increase productivity, social responsibility, and happiness with just a few minor investments that yielded immediate high returns?

New research at Case shows why and how it can be done. It is the subject of a book, Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business, published in August 2014 by Stanford University Press.

Colorado River Day: Raising Awareness About Western Water Issues

In general, Californians have fallen far short of meeting Gov. Jerry Brown’s January call for a 20% cut in water use. But the news isn’t all bad. Today July 25th, Colorado River Day — celebrating the day the river was officially renamed from the “Grand” to the “Colorado” — we highlight the role businesses are playing in water conservation and in protecting the Colorado River.

New Technologies Are Shifting Our Water Perspective

Enterprising technology innovators in California and across the United States are dramatically changing the way we manage, use, plan for and recycle water. Through a variety of techniques, start-ups and established companies alike are raising awareness of the...

Big Brands and the Water Challenge

How major companies are responding to water scarcity with innovation, collaborative, and a long-term view An ongoing abundance of clean, inexpensive water is no longer a given. For major companies around the world, water risk is becoming central to business strategy....

A great time to be alive: The potential for sustainability

Those of us born and raised in the post-WW2 era experienced a time like no other in human history. It was a golden age where economic growth and human well-being made huge advances. It was a time when we all felt that sense of boundless opportunity. Unbeknownst to any of us there were the huge hidden costs that are now becoming clearer every day.