
Who is the Winner of Recycling Cities?

While recycling and composting is still a challenge in some regions, more and more municipalities are becoming motivated to improve their recycling rates with the help of advanced waste reduction technologies such as organic waste pulpers. These new technologies have the advantage of offering even safer treatment and disposal options and providing new sources of renewable energy.

Climate Change, A California Concern!

The climate change debate continues to raise concerns among individuals, communities, and organizations in California, and a number of questions remain unanswered especially in counties seriously impacted by drought.

2015 SDG&E Energy Showcase Awards

10 REV team members attended the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Energy Showcase Awards breakfast and Expo. We were excited that 5 of the 10 award winners were REV Circle graduates. All of the award winners pointed to their Sustainability Circle® experience as having a big impact on their achievements.

Entrepreneur Elliot Hoffman: Scaling Sustainable Solutions

In 2014 fall class, EINV 241 Methods and Applications of Entrepreneurship, students were asked to interview an entrepreneur or an entrepreneurially-minded individual who is creating impact in their area. We were proud that L&C student Jhana Valentine chose to profile REV CEO Elliot Hoffman.

REV at CalPlug

The California Plug Load Research Center (CalPlug) hosted its seventh semiannual workshop on energy-efficient plug loads on May 12 at Calit2. REV’s Victoria Mouroulis presented along with representatives from the Consumer Electronic Association, Southern California Edison, California Energy Commission, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Natural Resources Defense Council, Electric Power Research Institute, Dhaani Systems, and Phoenix Energy Technologies.